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Edinboro Police Department

Police Chief

Landon Silva

814-734-1812 x 132

Anyone in the Borough of Edinboro who needs a police officer for an emergency should

dial 911 or (814) 734-1712; both numbers will reach the Erie County Dispatching Center.

The County Dispatch Center will also help Borough residents handle non-police after-hour emergencies, such as water line

breaks.  They will help by notifying the appropriate Borough officials.  The County Dispatch Center service is funded by the County.

The Police Clerk, Pamela Runser, is in the office 8 AM - Noon, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Anyone wishing to dispose of medication should stop by the police department during these hours.

Click here for more information about the disposal of medication.

124 Meadville Street
Edinboro, PA 16412
Phone: (814) 734-1712
Fax: (814) 734-8747



Parking is prohibited on any Borough street from November 1 to April 15, 2 AM to 6 AM.  Due to the unpredictable nature of weather in Edinboro, this is in effect at all times, regardless of predicted or actual weather conditions.  This regulation is posted at the four major entrances to the Borough.

For more information on parking regulations, please refer to Chapter 15 of the Borough Code of Ordinances, found at this link.

​​​WHEN YOU DIAL 9-1-1


  • Stay on the line until a dispatcher tells you it is ok to hang up

  • Tell the dispatcher what MUNICIPALITY you are in (Edinboro)

  • If you dial 9-1-1 in error, or were just "testing the system", don't just hang up - let them know

  • Every 9-1-1 call received by the Edinboro Police Department must be followed up

  • If you hang up, the dispatcher will call you back and send an officer to ensure your safety


To increase public safety it is important for Edinboro Borough residents and workers to understand that our emergency services (police, fire, ambulance, etc.) are dispatched through the County Dispatch Center.  Many street names and numbers are duplicated across Erie County.  To help avoid dispatching mistakes and promote a rapid response, it is critical that callers tell the 911 call taker/dispatcher what municipality you are in.  


Residents should contact the Police Department if any of the following rules are observed being broken:

  • Vandalism, vulgar language, and littering are all prohibited in any Borough park

  • All parks are closed from dusk until 8 AM

  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted in any Borough park




With the cooperation of neighborhood volunteers, the Edinboro Police Department has launched a Neighborhood Watch Program.

The Police Department encourages anyone who would like to participate in the Program to contact or stop by the Edinboro Police Department located in the Edinboro Municipal Building.


The Edinboro Borough Police Department is investigating fraud related incidents where unknown individuals call victims and advise that they are being investigated by the Social Security Administration and / or participating in illegal narcotics trafficking.  The individuals are advising the victims that they are being transferred to the Edinboro Borough Police Department telephone number, then are provided an opportunity to speak with an Edinboro Police Officer.  Individuals are then identifying themselves as officers of the police department and requesting social security number information.  Victims are also being asked to purchase gift cards and post this information online via a “face wallet”.

This is a reminder to NEVER provide any individual your social security, bank, or personal information over the telephone, unless you initiated the call to an institution at a number you trust to be valid.  Furthermore, if someone claims to represent the Edinboro Police Department you should request that the officer respond to your home for an investigation or come to the Edinboro Police Department to speak with an officer. These individuals have developed numerous ways to obtain information from residents, please use caution when these individuals are requesting personal information or money of any form over the phone.

If you have concerns regarding the legitimacy of the information being requested, contact your local law enforcement agencies.  


From the IRS website:

The IRS will never:
•    Call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer. Generally, the IRS will first mail a bill to any taxpayer who owes taxes.
•    Threaten to immediately bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have the taxpayer arrested for not paying.
•    Demand that taxes be paid without giving taxpayers the opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed.
•    Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.
•    Call about an unexpected refund.

Borough of Edinboro   |   124 Meadville Street, Edinboro, PA 16412   |   814-734-1812   |

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