Borough Council
Aaron L. Gast
Term Expires January of 2028
204 N. Skytop Road
Edinboro, PA 16412
Mary Ann Horne
Deputy Mayor
Term Expires January of 2026
Phone: N/A
107 Hillcrest Drive
Edinboro, PA 16412
Patricia Davis
Council Member
Term Expires January of 2026
Phone: N/A
1200 Lakeside Drive
Edinboro, PA 16412
Mark Eisert
Council Member
Term Expires January of 2028
124 Harrison Drive
Edinboro, PA 16412
Amanda Frantz-Mamani
Council Member
Term Expires January of 2028
Phone: N/A
109 Hillcrest Drive
Edinboro, PA 16412
Kelly Gheres
Council Member
George Gast
Council Member
Borough Council members serve on committees to discuss specific issues outside of regular meetings of the full Council. These meetings are open to the public. For information about attending Council committee meetings, contact Jason Spangenberg at jspangenberg@edinboro.net.
Finance Committee
Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays monthly @ 4:00 PM
Pat Davis (Chair)
Kelly Gheres
Mary Ann Horne
Ordinance Review Committee
Meets as needed
Mary Ann Horne (Chair)
George Gast
Mark Eisert
Personnel Committee
Meets as needed
Aaron Gast (Chair)
Kelly Gheres
Pat Davis
Public Safety Committee
Meets as needed
George Gast (Chair)
Amanda Frantz-Mamani
Mary Ann Horne
Recreation, Lake, & Environment Committee
Meets as needed
Mark Eisert (Chair)
Pat Davis
Aaron Gast
Streets, Buildings, and Grounds Committee
Meets as needed
Amanda Frantz-Mamani (Chair)
Kelly Gheres
Mark Eisert
Council Liaisons
Represent Council for the listed organization
Boroughs Association - Aaron Gast
Erie County Planning - Aaron Gast
Edinboro Community & Economic Development - Pat Davis
Edinboro Municipal & Water Authorities - Aaron Gast
Edinboro Volunteer Fire Department - Mary Ann Horne
PennWest Edinboro University - Pat Davis
Environmental Shade Tree Advisory Board - Mary Ann Horne
Erie Area Council of Governments - Pat Davis
Joint Municipal Planning - Aaron Gast
Lakeside Association - Pat Davis
Metropolitan Planning Organization - Aaron Gast
PA Municipal League - Mary Ann Horne
Washington Township - George Gast
Washington Township Parks & Rec - Pat Davis
Watershed Association - Mary Ann Horne
Form of Government
The Home Rule Borough of Edinboro operates under a Council-Manager form of government. Under this form, Borough Council has all legislative responsibilities and the Borough Manager has all administrative responsibilities. Seven Borough Council members are elected by the residents of the Borough to serve staggered four-year terms.
One of the seven Council members is appointed, by Council, as Mayor annually at the Council Reorganizational Meeting (held the first Monday of January, unless the first Monday is a legal holiday, at which point the meeting would be held the following day). The primary function of the Mayor is to be the presiding officer of the Council meetings, while representing the Borough as the "ceremonial head" of the local government. All seven members of Council, including the Mayor, share equal authority.
The Borough Manager is also appointed annually at the Council Reorganizational Meeting. The Manager is considered the chief executive and administrative officer of the Borough and is responsible for all administrative duties of the Borough, including managing personnel and daily operations.
In 1975, the residents of the Borough voted to adopt a Home Rule Charter, altering the form of government. A Home Rule
municipality no longer has its powers and organization determined by the state legislature. A Home Rule municipality can exercise any power or perform any function not denied by the Constitution, the General Assembly or its own Home Rule Charter. It is not subject to any provisions of the municipal codes. General legislation in specified areas still applies as do all
laws uniform and applicable statewide. To view the full text of the Charter, click here (also shown to the right, or below if viewing on mobile). To date, more than 70 PA municipalities have adopted a Home Rule Charter.