Tornado Warning Siren
Erie County 911 will initiate a 3-minute siren wail in the event that a tornado has been spotted in our area. Please move to the basement or a safe location. The "ALL CLEAR" signal is a 30-second wail. Tests occur quarterly on the 15th of January, April, July, and October at 12:30 p.m.
CHAPTER 7-A OF ACT 44 OF 2009 mandates the annual disclosure of certain information by every entity which is a party to a professional services contract with one of the Borough pension funds. Act 44 disclosure requirements apply to contractors who provide professional pension services and receive payment of any kind from the Borough’s pension funds. Please click these links to view the most recent disclosures for Equitable Advisors and Mockenhaupt Benefits Group.
Employee Identification
Borough employees are required to carry identification cards. Residents are encouraged to ask for identification if someone comes to their residence or business and claims to be a Borough employee. If there is ever any doubt about the legitimacy of someone claiming to be a Borough employee, residents are encouraged to call the Borough at (814) 734-1812 to verify the identity of anyone claiming to be a Borough of Edinboro employee.
Edinboro Lake Dam Notice
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Dam Safety Division, categorizes EDINBORO LAKE DAM AS A HIGH HAZARD DAM. This designation is given to dams that hold back enough water to potentially cause loss of life, serious damage to homes, industrial or commercial buildings, important public utilities, main highways, or railroads, if the dam were to fail. AN EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN HAS BEEN DEVELOPED. Affected areas: Borough of Edinboro, Washington Township (Erie County) Venango Township, Cambridge Township (Crawford County). Copies of this plan, including an inundation map noting areas subject to flooding in the event of failure are available at the Borough office. This notice is posted per "Department of Environmental Protection Chapter 105 Dam Safety and Waterway Management §105.134(c)".
Important Items
Required legal notices, for things such as public hearings and project bidding, are printed in the newspaper as required and also listed on our website for your convenience.
Click this image to sign up for emergency alerts from the Borough, or update your contact information if you have already signed up.
Click this link to view the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, also referred to as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).
If you see a safety concern with the Edinboro Lake boat docks or have anything dock-related to report, please submit this form to Lindsay.
Help keep Edinboro beautiful! For information about the Borough's Adopt a Street program, please contact Jason at 814-734-1812 x 123.